Country Studied: Finland
Area of Focus: Train the trainers – System level
Type of learning difficulty the Best Practice is supporting:
- Support given to teachers pre-teaching.
Aims and objectives of Best Practice
The current tiered system or Learning and Schooling Support has been in effect since 2011, and the three levels are functionally equivalent to the American Response-to-Intervention (RTI) Tiers 1, 2 and 3: General Support (Tier 1) consists of every action made by the regular classroom teacher in terms of differentiation, as well as school-wide efforts to meet the diversity of students. Intensified Support (Tier 2) consists of remedial support by the class teacher, co-teaching with the special educator and temporal individual or small group learning with the part-time special educator. Special Support (Tier 3) consists of students receiving special support that is comparable to students with disabilities within the American system, in that students are formally identified, have an individual education plan, and have access to the entire continuum of special education services and placements that vary from full time general education to a special school placement.
Short description of Best Practice
This practice looks at providing support by integration education with SEN students in the curriculum:
Pre-service teacher training:
- Including this during university study.
- Selection of teachers needs to be strict and thorough.
- University coursework requirements for pre-service teacher education.
- Class/subject/special education teacher qualification requirements.
Pedagogy, including differentiation & implementing evidence-based instruction:
- Personalized instructions for SEN students.
- Inclusion and differentiation in the class.
- Monitor and promote appropriate student behaviour.
- Co-teaching with special education teacher.
3 Key learning Principles that were used in this Best Practice to support learners with LD
- Preparation of Teachers.
- Holistic approach towards teachers supporting SEN students.
- Making sure that the teachers have the right qualifications.
Strategies used as part of Best Practice
- Individualized Learning Plans.
- Collaboration with support services and professionals.
- Creating a positive and supportive classroom environment.
Results and impact
Reviewing educational system in Finland against the backdrop of the tier-system.
Provides a holistic framework that can be transferred across partner countries.
Critical issues
- Clear definition of inclusion within the framework.
- Collect and report national data related to inclusive education that is disaggregated by student support needs (e.g., behavior supports, mathematics supports). Important disaggregated data should include: (a) the number and percentage of students educated in each setting and the percentage of time in each setting, (b) information on how inclusion is implemented (i.e., instructional/behavioral supports provided, counseling services offered, frequency, duration, intensity of services), (c) frequency of student movement to more or less restrictive settings or tiers of support, and (d) outcome data, including behavioral infractions and consequences, and indicators of academic success.
- Provide additional education and opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand that assessments are an important component for a successful tiered approach to instructional and behavioral support, as well as to support their ability to select, administer, and interpret assessments.