English Communication Skills Training for students with Special Educational Needs

Country Studied: Romania

Types of learning difficulties the Case Study is supporting:

  • Reading and writing difficulties
  • Social or emotional difficulties
  • General or specific learning difficulties
  • Neurodevelopmental difficulties


Aims and objectives of Case Study

The aim is to investigate the effectiveness of inclusive education strategies in supporting students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) in acquiring English language skills. So, it’s  publishing extensive, publicly available manuals to aid educators in identifying and supporting english learners who have learning difficulties.


Short description of Case Study

Age: 10 y/o

Duration: One academic year

Setting: Inclusive classroom in a school with a high population of English Language Learners (ELLs)

Focus: This case study explores the challenges and successes of a student with dyslexia, as she learns English as a Second Language (ESL) in an inclusive classroom environment.


3 Key learning Principles that were used in this Case Study to support learners with LD

  1. Point out cognate words through puzzles, games and readings
  2. Strengthening students’ overall language abilities by encouraging them to read and write in English.
  3. Create well designed project assessments as supplements or alternatives to standard tests.


Strategies used as part of Case Study

  • Adapting instruction to various learning styles.
  • Individualized Learning Plans.
  • Guidance on creating and implementing individualized learning plans.
  • Collaboration with support services and professionals.
  • Strategies for modifying or creating teaching materials to suit different abilities.
  • Creating a positive and supportive classroom environment.


Results and impact

Formative assessments:

  • Observations of participation in class activities.
  • Short quizzes or exit tickets to gauge understanding.
  • Informal reading inventories to track fluency and comprehension.
  • Student self-reflections on their learning experiences.


Summative Assessments:

  • Reading comprehension tests with adapted formats (e.g., audiobooks, visuals).
  • Writing assignments with accommodations for dyslexia (e.g., scribe, extended time).


Why can this Case Study be useful for the project research?

This case study is useful for the project research in several ways, to illustrate effective teaching practices:

  • Understanding Inclusive Education Practices
  • Teacher Training and Development



This case study uses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to support the student with dyslexia. UDL emphasizes providing multiple means of representation, action & expression, and engagement, which can be broadly applicable to diverse learners in different settings.

Compare and Contrast. If you have access to other case studies on similar topics, you can compare and contrast the findings to identify patterns and commonalities across different contexts.


Resources used as part of Case Study

Assistive Technologies (AT) in Language Instruction.

Text-to-speech software: This tool helps to read aloud assignments and digital materials, improving comprehension and reducing frustration. (Exemplar: NaturalReader)

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