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Tukaj najdete najnovejše članke in povzetke o ključnih dogodkih in mejnikih našega projekta, ki izhajajo iz srečanj partnerjev, usposabljanj, pilotnih programov, kampanj ozaveščanja in drugih poročil o dejavnostih.
Collaborative Learning and Digital Tools in Inclusive Education
There is a growing recognition of the importance of collaboration between different professionals in ensuring pupils’ success, particularly in the field of inclusive education. This collaboration is particularly relevant...
Navigating the Challenges: Foreign Language Teachers, Children with Learning Difficulties, and the role of Digital-Based Learning Tools
Teaching a foreign language to children with learning difficulties presents formidable challenges, but the integration of digital-based learning tools offers a ray of hope in overcoming these obstacles. Foreign...
FOCUS: Empowering Language Teachers for Inclusive Education
As we begin our journey towards our project’s set of goals, we are currently dedicated to introducing innovative methods, practices and tools in teaching foreign languages to children (6-12...
Turning the FOCUS to inclusion
In December 2017, the EU adopted the European Pillar of Social Rights, a document highlighting the importance of social, educational and cultural dimensions of EU policies for building a...
Our Project Kicked Off in Ptuj, Slovenia
Our FOCUS project had its kick-off meeting in November 2023, in Ptuj, Slovenia. It was a two-day meeting, organized by the Public University of Ptuj, and took place on...