Interview information
Organization responsible for the interview:
Country: Greece
Occupation: English teacher
Date of the Interview: 10.06.2024
Short Summary of the interview:
Kelly has noticed that the past few years there’s been a huge increase of students with learning difficulties, but thankfully, most are diagnosed, and their parents are willing to help them in any way they can. Nowadays, in a classroom of 15 children, those with learning difficulties reach up to 3 and 4.
Kelly simplifies homework for students with learning difficulties and she used a lot of audiovisual material. She also remarks that encouragement plays a huge role in the learning process. In smaller ages, she doesn’t consider all their mistakes and does not correct them. She pays more attention to what the student wants to say.
One of the most important things she takes into account in her classroom is to not stigmatize any children.
Most important statement
“When teachers are tired and they avoid learning new things, the government should motivate them to do so to help children. Knowledgeable teachers in schools should be a prerequisite at all levels.”