
Country Studied: Spain

Area of Focus: Children and adults with hearing disabilities

Type of learner the Best Practice is supporting:

Children and adults with and hearing disabilities.


Aims and objectives of Best Practice

Bai&bay is an academy (online and in-person in the Basque Country) specialized in teaching Basque and English.

Together with the deaf association of the Basque Country, Euskal Gorrak, they have created an intelligent platform so that deaf people can learn either of these two languages in the same way as the rest of their students. Characters.

This platform can be used either in face to face trainings or in online trainings, so it offers a wide flexibility in terms of time and approach.


Short descriptor of Best Practice

The Bai&bay system is the only intelligent system on the market based on artificial intelligence and 100% personalized for each student that allows people with hearing disabilities to study Basque and English.

Bai&bay, thanks to DDK System technology, is the only intelligent system on the market for deaf people.

The intelligent DDK System has diagnostic capacity and, through statistical analysis, recognizes the characteristics of each student, forms their specific profile and designs a completely personalized strategy for each person.

Bai&bay Foundation has developed an intelligent online platform for deaf people that will help us overcome our difficulties in learning second languages, adapting DDK System to our characteristics.

The program for all the students is the same, people with disabilities or not. But it is adapted to the deaf people avoiding the listening part of the courses.

The method can be applied from the age of 10, and the duration of the courses is adapted to the preferences of the people, like any other type of language course.

The ultimate objective is that people who do not hear well or do not hear at all can achieve the same level of language as anyone else, avoiding systems that are usually based on orality.


3 Key learning Principles that were used in this Best Practice to support learners with LD

  1. It is personalized and student-centered based on artificial intelligence data, which allows each student to propose their own “course” in terms of content, pace, frequency, etc.
  2. It is flexible in all aspects: from being able to choose to study online or in person, to the pace of learning, the time to be spent, the days of the week, etc. The student previously chooses all of its options, and the system adapts to these requirements.
  3. This personalization and flexibility facilitates better disposition on the part of students and less anxiety when facing difficulties.
  4. The innovative system based on artificial intelligence allows a greater degree of adaptation to the different characteristics of students, especially those with hearing disabilities or deaf.
  5. The methodology and tool have been co-created in collaboration with the Euskal Gorrak association of people with hearing disabilities, which has made possible a system that responds to the reality of these people and their needs.


Strategies used as part of Best Practice

  • Adapting instruction to various learning styles.
  • Individualized Learning Plans.
  • Guidance on creating and implementing individualized learning plans.
  • Collaboration with support services and professionals.
  • Strategies for modifying or creating teaching materials to suit different abilities.
  • Offering opportunities for different rhythms, environments, backgrounds, ages, objectives etc.


Results and impact

The project started with a piloting founded by Bai&by Foundation. With the collaboration of Euskal Gorrak, they created the platform and adapted the methodology for people with earing disabilities.

They piloted all the aspects of the course among volunteers of Euskal Gorrak and evaluated the results with questionnaires. The results showed a really high level of satisfaction among all the participants.

So now the project has arrived to the market and is offered as part of the courses of the Bai&by academy.


Evidence as to why this was considered Good Practice

It is part of a research project that is starting to be implemented because the evaluation results of the piloting have been very positive. Learners have valued the course as very positive, and even one of them has already got an A1 degree in English using this course.


Resources used as part of Best Practice

As it is based on an online training, a connection to internet and a computer is compulsory.


Any Additional Information or Resources